Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write for CT?

All CT articles start with a great pitch. If you’d like to pitch an article idea or have a submission, contact us here by selecting "Christianity Today" for Site/Publication and "Article Pitch or Idea" in the Reason for Request field. Tell us your idea , why it’s a good fit for CT, and why you are qualified to write it. We do not receive pitches via phone or physical mail. It doesn’t have to be long (300-500 words is pretty typical), but it does need to be in the Description field (PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH IT AS A SEPARATE FILE). Include a clear thesis statement and a brief explanation and/or support for that thesis. The subject line on the form should be a one-sentence summary of what the article is about. Again, please include your pitch/query in the Description field.

Articles for CT should be factually sound, well researched, and—as our title suggests—pertain to modern Christianity. We are interested in profiles, interviews, feature stories, book reviews, and opinion pieces that are expertly written and well supported, provide a fresh perspective, and connect the eternal message of the gospel with current trends, culture, events, and news. First-person articles should apply your personal experience to a broader concept of faith and biblical truth. We are most interested in stories of Christians living out their faith in unique ways that impact the world for the better and communicate truth in a way that is deep, nuanced, and challenging.


A few things to keep in mind:

Include your previous writing experience, especially past articles you’ve written for CT or similar publications, and other credentials that will establish your authority to write on the topic at hand.

Sell us on why your story is relevant to CT readers.

As we are unaffiliated with any denomination, our main audience is made up of a wide range of evangelical Christians. Many of our readers are church leaders or serve in ministry in some way, from Sunday morning volunteers to seminary deans.

We aren’t interested in academic papers, but we do look for data or quotes to back up any claims of fact.

Familiarize yourself with our style, voice, audience, and past CT article topics. Do not ask if we accept pitches on a broad, general topic. Do research our previous coverage of that topic and send a fully formed pitch.

Make sure we haven’t already covered the topic recently, especially if it is commentary on a hot button issue or news item.

It’s usually best for everyone if you wait to send us your article until after we have approved a pitch and given you some direction. Please be aware that if you do send us a finished article, there will likely be a lot of editing as we need your story to fit our style, voice, audience, and past coverage of the topic.

We get a lot of pitches every day. While all pitches will be read, we can’t respond in detail to every one we receive. If you haven’t heard back from us in three weeks, it is safe to assume we will not be able to use your pitch.

We publish articles by and for evangelical Christians. Our readers are typically in some form of leadership or ministry—whether volunteer or professional—in their churches and communities. If your article is targeted to a specific age group (for example, college students) or a specific denomination, it probably isn’t a good fit for us. If your article is targeted to a specific gender, vocation, or season of life, check out our special sections and sister publications.

We receive so many articles that are well-written personal blog posts but aren’t a good fit for our mission and global audience. Please don’t take a rejection email from us as a sign that your writing isn’t good or that you should stop. Be encouraged that if we can’t use your article at the moment, we might contact you in the future about a similar topic now that we know you are interested.

We’ll do our best to help you grow as a writer if your piece is accepted, but we can’t provide specific feedback on pitches we don’t accept. There are just too many.

Please refrain from sending previously published articles or pitching the same idea to multiple publications without telling us. If you haven’t heard back from us and your article was picked up by someone else, please let us know! Feel free to include a deadline if your piece is time-sensitive.

At this time, we do not publish the following:

  • Advice columns
  • Cartoons
  • Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Overt political criticism or endorsement of a political candidate
  • Anonymous stories

Interested in writing for CT Pastors? Click here to review their guidelines.

Do you have a book you would like for us to review? Send a cover image, short biography of the author, a paragraph describing the book, and a direct link to the publisher’s page or the Amazon page. We do not cover poetry books or children’s books. Contact our books editor, Matt Reynolds, for more information, to submit a book for review, or if you would like to write a book review.

Do you have a Christian DVD, game, app, product, organization, or event to promote? Contact our advertising department here.

Know that an accepted pitch does not guarantee purchase of your manuscript. Editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript at any stage. For more on copyright and permissions, please see our user agreement.

Thank you for your interest in writing for our publication!

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