We usually ship all products out in 1-2 business days. After a few days, if you haven't received your resource in the mail yet, you can check on the status of your order by clicking the link found in the confirmation email you received at the time of your order. You can also check on the status in My Account on the Store Purchases tab after logging in.
Once logged in to the Small Groups store, a list of your orders can be found under 'All Orders':
Note: Most of our products on Small Groups are downloadable, so it's possible you may just need to download the PDF of your resource.
If you ordered a physical item, it will show the tracking # and mail carrier if it has shipped and also show your order status. If it is a downloadable resource, click the 'Download File' button to re-download and your resource will begin to download.
If you are are still running into trouble, don't hesitate to contact us or call 1-877-247-4787 and we can check the status and if necessary, reship the resource as soon as possible.